

Jun 1st - Sep 1st, 2025



Sun Valley, Idaho

Higher Ground is excited to offer hiking for two different age groups! These programs are designed for participants with a permanent disability. Our hiking programs provide an opportunity for participants to gain skills such as increased stamina, improved balance on uneven terrain, knowledge of the biodiversity in our ecosystem, and many more, all in a safe and supportive environment.

Adult Hiking:
These hikes will last from 9:00am-3:00pm on Thursdays for participants aged 16+, and will typically range between 3-5 miles with upwards of 1,500 feet of elevation gain. Be sure to bring layers, a large water bottle, packed lunch, and snacks for the trek. Further information will be distributed to those who sign up, before the start of this program.

Youth Hiking:
These hikes will last from 9:00am-11:00am on Tuesdays for participants aged 5-15, and typically range between 1-2 miles with no more than 500 feet of elevation gain. Be sure to bring layers, plenty of water, and snacks along for the trek. Further information will be distributed to those who sign up, before the start of the program.

Hiking Image

More Info



Adaptive Info

208-720-7578 | adaptiveinfo@highergroundusa.org


Sun Valley, Idaho